Aviastar search focused on the District Kurima

JAKARTA - The combination of the SAR to continue the search this morning's Twin Otter aircraft owned Aviastar lost in flight from Dekai to Wamena, Papua, yesterday.

Search focused on a number of dots, especially in the area of Canton Kurima, where the last plane in contact with the Airport of Wamena.

"Earlier morning we send three more aircraft. Two planes and a heli," said Director Aviastar Bayu Sutanto to okezone, Tuesday (30/6/2009).

As disclosed Bayu, the plane lost contact with the Wamena Airport, 15 minutes before landing at the airport. Transport aircraft pilot, kopilot, and mechanics, and to bring a number of cargo items.

Allegedly lost contact due to bad weather around the location of the incident.

source :http://news.okezone.com/read/2009/06/30/1/234140/1/pencarian-aviastar-difokuskan-di-distrik-kurima

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